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Measurement precision
Documentation transparency
Post-buy assurance

Digitalt outdoor in reliable settings!

We are launching a  brand new digital currency that is unique by being precise, transparent and reliable. This means that we are completely phasing out Share-Of-Time (SOT), and from now on we will only sell campaigns on our digital equipment calculated in Viewed Impressions.

In short, this means that you only pay for the number of people who have actually seen your campaign - i.e. Viewed Impressions. Previously, you paid for a share of time on a digital screen. But our new currency and the advanced measurement method behind it is able to calculate exactly how many people who are seing your campaign,. The method also takes factors such as time, place and season into account. Therefore, Viewed Impressions provides a much more realistic and valid result, and ultimately a much relaible purchase of digital campaigns.

Our new digital currency has been in the works for several years, as there is a lot of preparatory work and a lot of methodological research behind it. This makes the currency and the method extremely strong, and it is unique to be able to deliver digital outdoor on such a well-worked and solid foundation.


AFA Decaux – Viewed Impressions

Facts about the method behind

  • Data-driven approach where realtime-data is collected via sensors in all digital displays
  • Data is compared with manual counts
  • Data is calculated based on international measurement standards and methods
  • Collaboration with the market's most recognized 3rd party analysis partners with validation and calculation of parts of the data base
  • Real and true picture of how many Viewed Impressions a campaign actually has
  • Campaign Management during the entire campaign period
  • Accurate reporting to advertisers in relation to actually delivered Viewed Impressions
  • Guaranteed compensation in case of underdelivery
AFA Decaux – Viewed Impressions – CTA