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Premium placements
Viewed Impressions
Full moving content
Effective visual media

Digital National currently consists of 167 state -of-the-art digital screens located in inner Copenhagen, Aarhus City center,  Aalborg City center and at DSB stations. We are continuously working on expanding the number of digital screens in the network and soon our brand new digital network to be reday in Frederiksberg.

We har phased out Share -of-Time (SOT) as we have launched a brand new digital currency – Viewed Impressions. The currency is based on a data-driven method, where we collect traffic data via sensors in our digital equipment, and by using an advanced measurement method, we can calculate quite precisely how many people actually see a campaign. Therefore, Viewed Impressions provied a much more real and valid result, and ultimately a much realiable purchase of digital campaigns. 

Read more about Viewed Impressions.

On the network's digital screens, you can e.g. show full moving content*). This enables great creativity in the execution of the message, and complex messages can be communicated with several creatives, so that the understanding of the message among the target group is increased.

Messages can be changed in real time and controlled by parameters such as weather, temperature, time, UV index, SoMe and external data feeds (e.g. live feeds).

Moving images, animations and relevant messages increase attention and have a big impact . The network is a very strong visual medium that can support the campaign's message.

Creative execution possibilities, full moving content and short material deadlines make campaign handling on the network agile and dynamic. And by utilizing the vertical advertising format (9:16) from SoMe, cross media consistency is ensured.

* Does not apply to the digital network in Copenhagen